Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Celebrating Women

As mentioned, this last Monday March 9th was International Women's Day. I hosted a small event today with the women of the committee I work with; Women for a New Dawn. 
I began by talking about the history of Int'l Women's Day and a bit about women's rights here in Guate. Next we did an activity where I asked "Who is a woman?". I had a list to help jump-start the activity; wife, daughter, sister, mother, etc. Once the women got talking, some wonderful words came out of their mouths: "we are collaborators", "we have the opportunity to be leaders in our community, an opportunity our mothers did not have", "facilitators", "we are growing intellectually", "we are hard workers". 
After this, we played a game of Papa Caliente, but when the music stops whoever has the papa has to tell us something they are proud of in their lives. One woman said she was proud of the man she married (and how handsome he is), another said she was proud of her two boys. A few women said they were proud to be part of this committee and one said she was proud that she is working to give more opportunity to her kids. 
From left: Catarina, Manuela, Catarina, Ela, Catarina and in front Doña Ana. 


Anonymous said...

WOW! What an incredibly powerful story/event! This is so amazing, Katie- even on a small level! Beautiful.

sarahandrayschafer said...

ooops- sorry katie! the last comment was left by me but my friend was signed in! ignore the "jen robertson". Its me!!!