Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Year Anniversary

Yes, loyal blog-followers, I can't believe it either but it is true. I arrived in-country one year ago. It has been a year full of growth, experience and change and it has gone by so quickly. I still feel good (on most days) about my time and work here and although the thought of another year plus here is intimidating at times, it is also exciting. 
So, to celebrate our anniversary, much of our training group got together and spent a night at a beautiful natural hot springs outside of Xela. You have to travel high into the mountains through agricultural fields to reach it but once there it is so beautiful and so relaxing.  
The pools from the patio. There are three pools; the source (and therefore the hottest) pool leads into the middle pool and then leads into the kiddie pool that is in the forefront of this photo. 
The source pool. Behind me is a small waterfall of geothermic water. This pool was just right for the early morning soak. 
We each stayed in a bungalow that had a fire place! So nice after getting out of the hot springs and into the chilly mountain nighttime air.
The view from the walkway. You can see the bungalow with grilling area. You can also see how high we were. This area is a strange and beautiful mix of mountains and jungle. 
Prehistoric plants. Each leaf is about 3 feet across. 
When I arrived home after my relaxing weekend with friends I found Spiderman had been scoping my house while I was gone. I was under attack within minutes of return. 


Ramón said...

You continue to be my source of inspiration to seek adventure. Congratulations on a year well served!

sarahandrayschafer said...

WOW Katie!!! Congrats on year well sought- of growth and inspiration! Cant wait to be south of the border "with" you!! Love you Mader...