Monday, September 8, 2008


A quick explanation of photos from the top:
A few kids who live in an aldea (village) near San Martin where we did a short class on nutrition.
Senorita Santa Maria Cauque. This is the winner of a scholastic beauty pageant of sorts. There were about 9 communities total who participated. Each community had to perform a traditional dance, conduct a speech and answer a question. It came down to two finalists; Sta. Maria Cauque and Sta. Maria Jesus. The judges asked the two finalists to conduct a speech in Kachiquel, and the other finalists was unable. Marta was crowned Reya Conalfa for the next year. My brother and his wife coordinated the event for our town, so they were very pleased.
Next are my cousins Luis and Celeste. Both are sporting the traditional clothing of Sta. Maria Cauque. You can tell where a woman is from by her guipile, or woven blouse. Each community has a distinct pattern.
Last is a view of los campos near my house. It is mighty pretty here.


Micah Sedillos said...

Katie it looks like you met my cousins! I love you girl and thanks for the blogs..

thesolowest said...

Arrrrr, K-T! I found a treasure trove of booty today. Have a peek....

PS. Sorry it took so long! Miss you!

thesolowest said...

the # on the link above was cut off and should be 72157607232660754