Saturday, August 23, 2008


I wonder if I spelled that correctly....
Legally, or something like that, I have to give a disclaimer. The opinions posted on this blog do not reflect the opinions of Peace Corps. Fin.

On a more fun note, I visited the huerto (veggie garden) my family has today. It is a 25 minute walk (Guatemaltecos stroll, really) to thier land, and they are growing primarily beans; both red and white, and corn. Mixed in here and there is yerba (what we in the US call weeds, but they are in fact delcious), radishes, a small pumpkin called quiskil and a few medicinal plants like chamomile. We harvested a few pounds of red bean and a bundle of corn leaves to make tamalitos for tomorrow. I enjoy the laid back lifestyle here, and find that my efficiently-related tendancies are evident in this culture. I am working on slowing down.

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